Sunday, January 30, 2011

the worst nightmare is over, and you were here holding my hands.

I need to have a Thank You speech like a really long one. but no i'm not so touchy and feely and mushy. right but still friends who have been there i know who you are and Thank You so much. seriously, only i get how it felt. and pretty soon i'll be at a junction of choices yet again. tough one this time who knows what it dictates in each turn. not much anticipation and not much unwillingness. perhaps a little more dose of happiness. well, i'm very sure i gonna make a lot more mistakes, stumble and fall like a bee, but then most of the times the greatest rewards comes from doing things that scare you the most, maybe just this once i might just get everything that i have wished for, or maybe i'll get more then i've ever imagined. who knows where life takes you. The road is long, but life always have a way in working out. for now, let's just keep moving forward and not give a crap what anybody thinks.


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